SoftBank Results Presentation Deck slide image

SoftBank Results Presentation Deck

Breakdown of Consolidated Interest-Bearing Debt Contrarily, debt for which SBG has a direct obligation of repayment remains at a low level FY2000 FY2005 FY2010 FY2015 Start financial management as an investment holding company FY2020 SoftBank Consolidated interest-bearing debt ¥21.4T Debt for self-financing entities (SoftBank SVF1 SVF2, etc.) Group Asset-backed finance (Non-recourse) Sep ¥1.9T 2023 Cash position, etc.*1 SBG stand-alone net interest-bearing debt*¹ (Note) From FY2000 to FY2022, as of the end of each fiscal year *1 Incl. Hybrid finance adjustments (deduct 50% for which hybrid bonds and hybrid loans are recorded as liabilities and add 50% for which hybrid bonds recorded as equity) Finance 9
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