Presto SPAC Presentation Deck
Presto is Priced with Significant Upside Potential
Transaction Value
($ in millions)
Pro Forma EV
Discount to 2022E
peer average
Peer Valuation
2022E Revenue at
15.7x to 23.4x Multiple
Discount to 2023E
peer average
2023E Revenue at
11.4x to 17.1x Multiple
Source: Presto, Company filings, Renaissance Capital, Capital IQ as of 11/5/2021.
Note: This slide contains projected financial information with respect to Presto. Such projected financial information constitutes forward-looking information and is for illustrative purposes
only and should not be relied upon as necessarily being indicative of future results.
Confidential Do Not Distribute
Summary of Approach
Peer valuation applies range of
multiples to Presto's 2022E and
2023E management forecasted
revenue to arrive at an implied
enterprise value
The applied range was
determined using the peer
median EV / Revenue
multiples of the Enterprise
Food Tech and High-Growth
Presto's valuation represents a
relatively attractive discounted
entry point for investors
compared to comparable, high-
growth peers
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