Blackwells Capital Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Blackwells Capital Activist Presentation Deck

€ 1 ■ Google's existing presence in the connected fitness, health and wellness, and streaming content would augment these market positions Google Fit platform and FitBit wearables could seamlessly integrate with Peloton products and software POTENTIAL STRATEGIC ACQUIRERS GOOGLE CASE STUDY Peloton already runs on Google's Android operating system Google Play, Google Play Store, YouTube, and Google Podcasts bring a large collection of movies, TV shows, podcasts and original content to the Peloton ecosystem BW BLACKWELLS CAPITAL Gain significant customer data to use for future targeting across Google ecosystem; significant opportunity to collect data on the fitness, health, nutrition and habits of its users YouTube Source: Company filings and publicly available data. fitbit. 0 21:24 345 Cal 14 6,321 Heart Pts 3 Steps Your weekly target December 12-19 3/7 Achieved 154 Move min Your daily goals Last 7 days Home 102 of 150 Scoring 150 Heart Points a week can help you live longer, sleep. better, and boost your mood. 4,6 7h 32m Sleep O M TW ♡ B Journal 4870% World Health Organization O + 2 Profile Google Fit 21:24 Your daily goals Last 7 days 3/7 Achieved Bedtime schedule. You met your schedule 4 times in the last 7 days 11:00PM 07:00AM MTW T Sleep duration Last 7 days 7h30m Average OO FO MT WTFS S O Home ▼4870% MTW Last workout. Afternoon run * Sun 12 Dec 4:56PM 41m 00s 40 pts @ Journal S S Google Profile ← 21:24 Duration z Asleep O In bed Schedule 11:00 PM 7:00 AM Je Went to bed A little early O in bed Asleep Efficiency The percentage of time in bed you spent asleep. 85-95% is ideal Woke up A little late 7h 32m Quality il. Sleep stages 4870% I 7h 30m 8h 46m 84% 10:42 PM 7:24 AM O 56
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