Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book slide image

Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book

Preliminary Net Asset Value Analysis All figures in millions, except per share amounts Total Implied Real Estate Value Nominal Cap Rate Cash and Cash Equivalents Restricted Cash Rent and Other Receivables Capitalized Management Fee Income (5) Other Assets Implied Gross Asset Value ("GAV") Revolving Credit Facility Term Loans 18 (6) Mortgage Debt 5% Preferred OP units Estimated Adjustments For Marking Debt To Market Other Liabilities. Implied Net Asset Value ("NAV") x Fully Diluted Shares and OP Units Outstanding Implied Net Asset Value ("NAV") / Share (5) (6) (7) RHO PRELIMINARY NAV ANALYSIS Preliminary, Subject to Further Review and Revision Bank of America Merrill Lynch (7) (1) Low $2,744 7.8% 8 32 28 1 5 2,817 59 285 1,264 140 43 56 970 58.0 $16.75 Midpoint $2,888 7.5% 8 32 28 1 5 2,962 59 285 1,264 140 43 56 1,115 58.0 $19.25 Source: RIO Projections Note: Figures in million, except per share and per unit amounts. Estimated NAV per shore rounded to nearest 50.25. Non-real estate ossets and liabilities are recorded of book value os of December 31, 2015 Assumes 5% discount to midpoint calculation. (2) Assumes 5% premium to midpoint calculation. (3) Property level NOT and cash flows per RHO Projections were used to determine Total implied Real Estate Volur. Calculated as RHO Projections for 2016E total Care NOT of $215mm divided by Total Implied Real Estate Volur. Assumes capitalized Barnes Crossing management fee of 5.0x Adjusted to reflect removal of Visto Ridge Mallo special consideration asset which is expected by Rito management to be returned to lender. Estimated based on treasury yield curve as of February 2, 2016 plas credit risk spread based on debt yield, lean-to-value ratio and tem. Present value of scheduled payments compared to corrent principal on debt. High (2) $3,032 7.1% 8 32 28 1 5 3,106 59 285 1,264 140 43 56 1,259 58.0 $21.75
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