Sotheby's Investor Briefing
Established in 1988 to meet the liquidity needs of clients
SFS was designed around and intended to generate auction activity
Over the last five years, SFS has generated approximately 10% of Sotheby's annual auction sales
• Loan opportunities evaluated based upon the total return potential, including potential auction consignments
SFS revenues were $17.7mm in 2012; additionally, SFS contributed approximately $40 million to auction
revenue in 2012
SFS Drives Auction Consignments - Key Competitive Advantage
Exceptionally low historic loan losses (0.3% on total loans of $3.5bn from 1991 to 2012)
SFS fosters long-term client relationships
Consignor Advances
Typical Maturity: up to 6 months
Loans support core business by securing near term
auction revenue
Term Loans
Typical Maturity: up to 2 years
Term loans provide incremental source of
profitability for Sotheby's
Intended to enhance relationships and may lead to
future auction revenue
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