Teladoc Investor Day Presentation Deck
Success in mental health DTC
Providing convenient, affordable, private, professional counseling
2019 growth stats
Visits Per Member: 43%
Revenue / CAC Ratio: 28%
To allow a full year of data, LTV and visits compare cohorts of members who started paying
in January/February of 2018 to members who started paying in January/February of 2019.
Revenue and CAC are based on all members during the full year.
Visits relate to live scheduled sessions over phone or video.
LTV Per Member: 37%
Teladoc Health, Inc Investor Day 2020
Key competencies
Powerful consumer acquisition and
activation platform
Macro Trends
Data and analytics to measure and
optimize experience, onboarding,
retention, and LTV
DTC marketing expertise, utilizing
diversified ad channels with high ROI
Unmatched focus on consumer
satisfaction and quality, adaptable to fit
the specific needs of each user
Rapid execution with strong test and
learn methodology
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