Factset Investor Presentation Deck
Disciplined expense management drives our margin expansion plan
• Actively manage key expense drivers: people, real estate, technology and third-party data
Reduce real estate footprint to reduce costs
Focus on sustainable margin expansion to fund investment, coupled with careful expense management and
productivity goals
7% -8% growth¹
(lower than ASV² growth)
• Increase workforce
productivity with improved
technology and "upskilling"
• 66% in COE locations3
Prioritize resources for new
investments and growth
Real Estate
~150 bps reduction
(as % Revenues)
• Reduced real estate footprint
due to hybrid operating model
Significant reduction of real
estate footprint completed,
with total charges of $62
million 4
• Decreasing expense as a
percentage of annual revenues
. Continue to invest in Cloud to
optimize performance
Support growth and investments
(8.5% -9.0% of Revenues)
• Increase expense growth to
support investment strategy
Above goals represent FactSet's expectations as of April 5, 2022. Actual results may differ materially from expectations above.
1 Average target growth rate through FY25
2 Organic ASV + Professional Services
3 As of February 28, 2022
4 As of May 31, 2022
Provide incremental client
products and functionality
Third-Party Data Costs
5% -6% growth¹
(lower than ASV² growth)
Rationalize data sources
Support strategic initiatives
while managing base cost
growth to inflation increases
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