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NioCorp Investor Presentation Deck

Class Indicated Class Inferred Elk Creek 2022 In Situ Mineral Resource Estimate (rare earth oxides) excluding reserves Tonnage (Mt) La203 (%) 0.0766 Nd₂03 (%) 0.0511 Gd203 (%) 0.0096 Ho203 (%) 0.0006 Yb203 (%) 0.0010 LREO (%) 0.2737 La203 (kt) 116.2 Nd₂O3 (kt) 77.5 Gd203 (kt) 14.6 Ho203 (kt) 1.0 Yb203 (kt) 1.5 LREO (kt) 415.2 Ce203 (%) 0.1320 Sm₂03 (%) 0.0116 Tb203 (%) 0.0011 Er203 (%) 0.0015 Lu203 (%) 0.0001 HREO (%) 0.0528 Pr203 (%) 0.0140 Eu₂O3 (%) 0.0040 Dy203 (%) 0.0044 Tm203(%) 0.0002 Y203 (%) 0.0187 TREO (%) 0.3265 NSR Cut-off 180 NSR Cut-off 180 151.7 NioCorp Critical Mineral Security Tonnage (Mt) 108.3 Elk Creek S-K 1300 REE Mineral Resource¹ (MINERAL RESOURCE AS OF JUNE 30, 2022) La203 (%) 0.0943 Nd₂03 (%) 0.0575 Gd203 (%) 0.0090 Ho203 (%) 0.0006 Yb203 (%) 0.0010 LREO (%) 0.3257 La203 (kt) 102.1 Nd₂O3 (kt) 62.2 Gd203 (kt) 9.8 Ho203 (kt) 0.7 Yb203 (kt) 1.1 LREO (kt) 352.6 Ce203 (%) 0.1576 Sm₂03 (%) 0.0116 Tb203 (%) 0.0010 Er203 (%) 0.0014 Lu203 (%) 0.0001 HREO (%) 0.0512 Ce203 (kt) 200.2 Sm₂03 (kt) 17.6 Tb203 (kt) 1.6 Er203 (kt) 2.2 Lu203 (kt) 0.2 HREO (kt) 80.0 Ce203 (kt) 170.6 Sm₂O3 (kt) 12.6 Tb203 (kt) 1.1 Er203 (kt) 1.5 Lu203 (kt) 0.1 HREO (kt) 55.5 Pr203 (%) 0.0163 Eu₂O3(%) 0.0038 Dy203 (%) 0.0042 Tm203(%) 0.0002 Y203 (%) 0.0182 TREO (%) 0.3769 Pr203 (kt) 21.3 Eu₂O3 (kt) 6.0 Dy203 (kt) 6.7 Tm203 (kt) 0.3 Y203 (kt) 28.4 TREO (kt) 495.2 Pr203 (kt) 17.7 Eu₂O3 (kt) 4.1 Dy203 (kt) 4.6 Tm203 (kt) 0.2 Y203 (kt) 19.7 TREO (kt) 408.1 NOTE: The Qualified Person for the Mineral Resource estimate is Understood Mineral Resources Ltd. The estimate has an effective date of June 30, 2022. Notes: a. Classification of Mineral Resources in the above tables is in accordance with the S-K 1300 classification system. Mineral Resources in this table are reported exclusive of Mineral Reserves b. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The Mineral Resources are reported at a Diluted Net Smelter Return (NSR) Cut-off of US $180/tonne. The diluted NSR is defined as: C. d. e. f. g. h. • TiO₂ Revenue: a 94% grade recovery, a 40.31% assumption for plant recovery, and a US$ 0.88 selling price per kg of titanium oxide as of June 30, 2022. Sc Revenue: a 94% grade recovery, a 1.534 factor to convert Sc to Sc₂O3, 93.14% assumption for plant recovery, and a US$ 3,675 kg selling price per kg of scandium oxide as of June 30, 2022. The diluted tonnes are a 6% increase in the total tonnes of the block. Price assumptions for FeNb, Sc₂O3, and TiO₂ are based upon independent market analyses for each product. Numbers may not sum due to rounding. The rounding is not considered to be material. Rare Earth Oxides (REO) were evaluated as a potential by-product to the mining of niobium, titanium, and scandium; thus the estimated values of the REOS are reported using the previously determined diluted NSR as derived from the Nb₂O5, TiO2, and Sc Mineral Resources and are assigned a price of $0. The stated Light Rare Earth Oxides (LREO) grade (%) is the summation of La₂O3 (%) , Ce₂O3 (%), Pr₂O3 (%), and Nd₂O3 (%) estimates. i. The stated Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO) grade (%) is the summation of Sm₂O3 (%), Eu 203 (%), Gd₂03 (%), Tb2O3 (%) , Dy203 (%) , Ho₂O3 (%), Er₂O3 (%), Tm₂O3 (%), Yb2O3 (%), Lu₂03 (%), and Y₂O3 (%) estimates. The stated Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) grade (%) is the summation of LREO (%) and HREO (%) The effective date of the Mineral Resource, including by-products, is June 30, 2022 j. ● k. Diluted NSR (U.S. $) = Revenue per block Nb₂05 (diluted) + Revenue per block Tio2 (diluted) + Revenue per block Sc (diluted) Diluted tonnes per block The diluted revenue from Nb₂O5, TiO2, and Sc per block used the following factors: Nb₂O5 Revenue: a 94% grade recovery, a 0.696 factor to convert Nb₂O5 to Nb, 82.36% assumption for plant recovery, and a US$ 39.60 selling price per kg of ferroniobium as of June 30, 2022. ● Based on the S-K 1300 Elk Creek Technical Report Summary. See "Mineral Reserves and Resources" in the Disclaimers & Technical Disclosures at the beginning of this presentation. 44
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