AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck
2021 simplified earnings by BU - notes
PGMs basket price
Own mined
PGMs basket
Iridium, ruthenium & gold
Base metals & other27
Total revenue
PGM volume4
Volume Revenue
$1,088/oz 1,546koz $1,682m
$2,432/oz 1,200koz $2,918m
$19,517/oz 208koz $4,060m
488koz $555m
Iron Ore realised price
Market price28
Moisture content2⁹
Lump premium8
Fe premium
Product premium
Realised FOB price
Total iron ore
Own mined sales volumes including proportionate share of joint operation volumes. PGM
ounces are reported on a 5E+Au basis.
5. Excludes thermal coal sales.
Basket price (per PGM oz)13
1. Wet basis. Weighted average of Kumba and Minas-Rio.
2. Manganese ($315m), Crop Nutrients ($(41)m), Exploration ($(128)m), unallocated Corporate
costs ($(63)m), Thermal Coal - South Africa ($101m) and Thermal Coal - Cerrejón ($87m)).
Proportionate share of sales volumes (19.2% Botswana, 50% Namibia): 14.4Mct.
$169/t $160/t $185/t
$(24)/t $(21)/t
$(7)/t $(3)/t
14. Realised price adjusted to include Jellinbah. Unit cost is for managed operations only.
15. Royalties for Copper Chile are recorded in the income tax expense line, after EBITDA.
Anglo American
13. Price for basket of own mined product per 5E+Au PGM oz. Higher than usual reflecting the
strong realised price for rhodium, particularly in the first half of the year. See PGMs basket price
table above.
Kumba Minas-Rio
Met Coal blended price
Weighted average metallurgical coal
Market price Volume
$226/t 10.8Mt
$164/t 3.3Mt
$211/t 14.1Mt
6. LME price, c/lb converted to $/tonne (2,204.62 lbs/tonne).
7. Weighted average of HCC/PCI prices, FOB Aus. See Met Coal blended price table above.
8. Kumba: 64.1% Fe content, ~69% of volume attracting lump premium; Minas-Rio: 67% Fe
content, pellet feed. Including product premium. See Iron Ore realised price table above.
9. Sales volumes ~76% HCC, averaging 93% realisation of quoted low vol HCC price.
10. Provisional pricing & timing differences on sales.
22. Weighted average. Kumba: $8/t; Minas-Rio: $10/t.
23. Includes a credit to EBITDA reflecting the benefit of the high margin achieved on the sales of
thermal coal by-product in Australia. Refer to FY2020 presentation for more typical spend.
24. Principally processing & trading of product purchased from third parties.
11. Freight and moisture. See Iron Ore realised price table above.
12. The realised price for proportionate share (19.2% Debswana, 50% Namibia) excluding the 11% 25. H1 2021 thermal coal trading & Isibonelo domestic operations, included until the demerger of
trading margin achieved in 2021.
Thermal Coal South Africa on 4 June 2021.
16. In line with prior years, royalties on Nickel, in Brazil, are based on production costs incurred.
17. Weighted average. Kumba: $7/t; Minas-Rio: $5/t.
18. Includes market development & strategic projects, exploration & evaluation costs, restoration &
rehabilitation costs and other corporate costs.
19. Lower than previous periods reflecting improved performance at non-mining businesses (in
particular, Element Six).
20. Includes costs related to Quellaveco, Covid-19, Chagres third-party purchases of concentrate,
corporate allocations, offset by adjustments to rehabilitation provisions.
21. Lower than previous year, reflecting the impact of Covid & ACP disruptions in 2020. Broadly in
line with FY2019 ($87/oz), which is more typical spend.
26. Weighted average. Kumba: ~53%; Minas-Rio: 100%.
27. Nickel, copper, chrome & other metals.
28. Kumba: Platts 62% Fe CFR China; Minas-Rio: MB 66% Fe concentrate CFR.
29. Moisture adjustment converts dry benchmark to wet product. Kumba: ~1.6%; Minas-Rio ~9%.
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