Kymera Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Kymera Investor Presentation Deck

Disease-Relevant Genes Downregulated in Skin Lesions in ≥ 50% of Evaluable* AD (N=7) and HS (N=10) Patients at Day 28 (RNAseq) • Substantial downregulation of many disease relevant genes in both HS and AD patients Downregulation exceeded 90% for many genes Broad anti-inflammatory signature with downregulation of genes responsible for: KYMERA IL1 family cytokines Th1 Th17 Th2 Innate immunity AD HS CXCL1 ©2023 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC. AD-3- AD-6- AD-7- AD-4- AD-5- AD-2- AD-1- IFNG HS-3- HS-8 HS-2- HS-5- HS-4- HS-12- HS-9- HS-1 HS-6 HS-7 -7.5 CSF3 HS-3- HS-8- HS-5 HS-1- HS-9 HS-2 HS-4- HS-6- HS-12- HS-7- 0 log2(fold change) -5.0 -7.5 -2.5 0.0 log2 (fold change) 2.5 IL2RB 0.0 AD-6- AD-3- AD-2- AD-7- AD-1- AD-4- AD-5- GZMB HS-5- HS-2- HS-3- HS-8- HS-12- HS-6- HS-7- HS-4- HS-9- HS-1- -3 HS-8- HS-1- HS-3- HS-4- HS-5- HS-7- HS-9- HS-12- HS-6- HS-2- -7.5 IL1B -5.0 -2.5 log2 (fold change) log2 (fold change) tlog2(fold change): -1 = 50% decrease, -2 = 75% decrease, -3 = 87.5% decrease log2(fold change) -5.0 -2.5 log2(fold change) 0.0 6 2.5 IL5 AD-4- AD-5- AD-1- AD-3- AD-7- AD-2- AD-6- IL8 HS-5 HS-4 HS-8 HS-1- HS-3- HS-12- HS-7 HS-9 HS-6 HS-2 -5.0 IL36A HS-5- HS-3 HS-4 HS-1 HS-8 HS-7 HS-9- HS-6 HS-2 HS-12- 0 -7.5 log2(fold change) -2.5 0.0 log2 (fold change) 2.5 5.0 0.0 NLRP3 AD-3- AD-5- AD-2- AD-4- AD-7- AD-1- AD-6- IL2RA HS-4- HS-5 HS-3- HS-8- HS-2- HS-1- HS-9- HS-12 HS-6 HS-7 -2 IL17A HS-5- HS-8- HS-3- HS-4- HS-1- HS-7- HS-2- HS-12- HS-9- HS-6- 0 2 log2(fold change) -5.0 -2.5 log2 (fold change) log2(fold change) *Evaluable patients for whom the samples were of sufficient quality for analysis. 0 log2(fold change) PAGE 20
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