Wirecard Results Presentation Deck
This presentation contains explicit and implicit forward-looking statements concerning Wirecard AG, its affiliated companies and their business. These statements are
subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors due to which the actual events, financial conditions, performances and achievements of
Wirecard AG may differ substantially from those expressed in such explicit or implicit statements. Wirecard AG makes these statements at the time of the publication of
the presentation and is under no obligation to update the forward-looking statements in this presentation including on receipt of new information or on occurrence of
future events or for other reasons. However, Wirecard AG, may change in its own free discretion any forward-looking statements should relevant factors change.
The forward-looking statements from third parties' surveys, in particular without being limited to research reports and analysts' statements, may prove to be incorrect.
Reference to such third parties' surveys is provided for information only and does not imply any agreement with or consent to the content of such surveys or the
information, opinions or conclusions contained therein. Wirecard AG accepts no liability for the selection, completeness or correctness of third parties' studies.
O Wirecard 2019
Wirecard AG mostly publishes its figures in millions of euro (EUR m). The use of rounding means that it is possible that some figures do not add up exactly to form the
totals stated, and that the figures and percentages do not exactly reflect the absolute values on which they are based.
This presentation is no offer for the sale and no invitation for offers of purchase or for subscription to of shares of Wirecard AG but is provided for information only.
Financial data (IAS/IFRS) refers to the Reports of Wirecard AG published on our website: ir.wirecard.com
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