NASA's Photovoltaic Energy Research Plans and Programs
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Terrestrial PV Technology for Space
Application of low-cost solar array blanket manufacturing methods and
terrestrial solar cell technology for space missions
• Automated manufacturing and modularity
Use of silicon PV for short duration missions
Focus is on "lower cost" cell technology
NASA has conducted in-space flight experiments of terrestrial PV to evaluate long-term
survivability under NASA mission requirements
Use of lower cost epitaxial grow techniques for gallium arsenide-based higher
efficiency solar cells
Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) growth techniques being developed at National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Increased interest in perovskite solar cell technology
Potential for high efficiency terrestrial technology at lower fabrication costs
Recent test results indicate potential for in-space radiation hardnessView entire presentation