BenevolentAI Investor Presentation Deck slide image

BenevolentAI Investor Presentation Deck

How BenevolentAl's approach compares to industry benchmarks Deployment run for chosen disease Typical proportion of targets identified validated by lab assay 23% Time from target to candidate 2-2.5 yrs Cost from target to IND $15m Industry benchmarks based on Paul et al Nat Rev Drug Discov 2010. Potential increase in chance of a drug reaching the market vs industry benchmark >2x (based on 25% increase in PoS at each clinical stage) Potential time saved relative to industry benchmarks At least 2 yrs Potential cost benefit per IND relative to industry benchmarks $18m saving >50% ACCURACY AND EFFICIENCY TIME @ COST Higher ROCE per $ spent on R&D Benevolent 10
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