AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck
Quellaveco accounting - ramp up & commercial
First ore, ramp up and commissioning
2022 Production
C1 unit cost - nominal
Accounting treatment considerations
Ramp up to commercial production
Accounting treatment
considerations once commercial
production is reached
First ore: October 2021, Commissioning: mid-2022 followed by 12-month ramp up
Anglo American
100-150kt¹ (previously 120-160kt)
Ramp-up of production levels to full design capacity is expected 12 months after first production
Mine depreciation commences
Cessation of capitalisation of borrowing costs; interest on Mitsubishi shareholder facility will be expensed in
finance costs on consolidation
Inventory recognised when first ore extracted, at cost of production, including element of waste stripping
Revenue recognised in income statement with costs of production recognised in cost of sales
Project team and ongoing direct construction costs will continue to be capitalised
1. Peru production for 2022 has been revised down as a result of reduced workforce availability due to Covid-19 following the spread of the Omicron variant in Peru in early 2022.
2. 2022 is a ramp-up year and therefore C1 unit costs range significantly and are highly dependent on production start date, and subject to further Covid-19 impacts.
3. Revenue will be recognised in line with the IAS 16 amendment published in May 2020, which states that revenues generated (from first production date) by an asset in construction must be recognized in the income statement as revenue,
along with the related cost of production.
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