Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck
Long-Term Investors See Risk
We believe that recent sellers of AGN shares include long-term
investors who fear that Allergan's board and management will
not act to maximize shareholder value
► 88% (¹) of Allergan's float has changed hands since the initial
VRX bid, likely indicating that many long-term AGN investors
have sold shares
■ We believe selling shareholders recognize that the standalone
value of Allergan is below the current AGN share price
■ We believe selling shareholders also recognize that value-
destructive actions taken by Allergan management to scuttle the
Valeant deal remain a risk
► Recent buyers of Allergan shares likely support the transaction
■ Recent buyers have paid >$160 per share
■ We believe these buyers likely support the Valeant transaction
and believe in the value creation of the business combination
(1) % of float traded excludes shares owned by Pershing Square and ValeantView entire presentation