Tietoevry Results Presentation Deck slide image

Tietoevry Results Presentation Deck

Tietoevry Connect Infrastructure capacity and services Business highlights Revenue EUR 230.7 million, organic growth* 1% Adjusted EBITA** EUR 12.0 (15.6) million, 5.2% (6.7) Strong growth continues in cloud platforms and security services, up by 14% Traditional infrastructure services revenue declined by 6% Profitability below Q2'21 level, impacted by high inflation Efficiency measures announced in February on schedule - anticipated to contribute to H2'22 performance In Q3'22, adjusted operating margin anticipated to be above Q3'21 level 231 6.7% Q2/21 216 * Adjusted for currency effects, acquisitions and divestments Adjustment items include restructuring costs, capital gains/losses, impairment charges and other items affecting comparability tieto evry 8.6% Q3/21 Adj. EBITA % Organic growth* 1% Adj. EBITA** 5.2% (down 1.5%) 233 Revenue 9.5% Q4/21 224 4.1% Q1/22 231 5.2% Q2/22 12
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