Telia Company Results Presentation Deck slide image

Telia Company Results Presentation Deck

SWEDEN FINANCIALS LO Service revenues Reported currency, in millions, like for like growth -1.8% 7 469 5 7 286 7544 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q2 21 ■Consumer Enterprise Other * 7 233 Q4 20 7 336 Q1 21 Service revenues split Reported currency, in millions, like for like growth +2.0% 6 650 LLLLL 1 018 920 Copper legacy = Fixed telephony and xDSL 6 451 6 366 Service revenues declined 1.8% (SEK 135m), of which copper related (SEK 171m) Underlying service revenues, ex copper and one offs, up 2.0% Consumer segment stable, with mobile growing 2.1%, excl 2020 one-offs 6 441 Q2 Highlights Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 Q1 21 Q2 21 EO-items Roaming Copper legacy* Underlying ● ● 6 580 ● 756 Adj EBITDA Reported currency, in millions, like for like growth -0.2% 3 316 3 433 3 359 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 3 235 Q1 21 Adj EBITDA 3 308 Q2 21 Enterprise segment declined 1.4%, with mobile growing 2.5% OPEX reduced by 4.1% EBITDA stabilized, despite legacy declines accelerating
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