Snap Inc Investor Presentation Deck
Meet the Snapchat
The Snapchat Generation is 150% more
likely than non-Snapchatters to prefer to
communicate with pictures over words.¹
Staying connected with friends and family
is the #1 global reason for using Snapchat.²
Snapchatters are 34% more likely to
purchase products advertised on Snapchat.³
¹2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Total N=27,006 respondents. Snapchat Generation refers to Snapchatters aged 13 and older.
Q: What portion of your digital communication includes images and media, e.g., emojis, photos, memes, video calls, versus text-only, i.e., only words? Please enter
a percentage for each; your total must add up to 100%. If you do not communicate in one of these ways, please enter zero.
2 Source: 2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. I Q: For which of the following reasons, if any, do you use each of the following social,
communication, and/or camera apps? Please select all that apply. - Snapchat | Base: Total N=27,006 respondents
³2022 Neuro-Insight A&U survey, commissioned by Snap, Inc., n=435.View entire presentation