First Citizens BancShares Results Presentation Deck slide image

First Citizens BancShares Results Presentation Deck

Noninterest income ($ in millions) 0 0 o 0 $433 $145 3Q23 vs 2Q23 Noninterest income decreased by $43 million. Adjusted noninterest income (¹) increased by $6 million. Significant components included: O $288 0 3Q22 $429 $139 $290 4Q22 Adjusted (Non-GAAP) (¹) $11 million increase in gross rental income on operating lease equipment due to increased utilization and a higher lease rate, and a Notable items decreased by $49 million. Significant components included: $43 million reduction in adjustments to the gain on acquisition, $2 million increase in fee income and other service charges; partially offset by a $3 million decrease in other noninterest income spread among various accounts, $2 million decrease in wealth management fees due to a decline in assets under management at SVB, and a $2 million decrease in merchant services due to a lower purchase volume. First Citizens BancShares $12 million increase in realized losses on the sale of investment securities due to a strategic exit of the acquired SVB municipal bond portfolio, and a $9 million decrease in unfavorable fair value adjustments on marketable equity securities. $10,259 $9,824 $126 $309 1Q23 Highlights O 0 $9,950 total 0 notable items Notable items (2) 0 $658 $55 $141 $462 2Q23 $196 total notable items Gain on acquisition $615 $12 $135 $468 3Q23 vs 3Q22 Noninterest income increased by $182 million. Adjusted noninterest income (¹) increased by $180 million primarily due to the impacts of the SVB acquisition. Significant components included: 3Q23 Notable Items increased by $2 million. Significant components included: $12 million increase in adjustments to the gain on acquisition, $8 million increase in gain on sale of leasing equipment, and a $7 million increase in rental income on operating leases; partially offset by a $13 million decrease in other noninterest income, and a $12 million increase in realized losses on the sale of investment securities. $147 total notable items $52 million increase in client investment fees earned for managing off-balance sheet client funds primarily in the SVB segment, $31 million increase in international fees which are FX fees primarily in the SVB segment, $29 million increase in fee income and other service charges, $23 million increase in service charges on deposits, and a $22 million increase in rental income on operating lease equipment due to increased utilization and a higher lease rate. (1) Adjusted amounts exclude notable items. Refer to the Non-GAAP Section V of this presentation for notable item details and a reconciliation of the Non-GAAP to GAAP measures. (2) Excludes gain on acquisition as it is broken out separately. 18
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