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Greenlight Company Presentation

What About Apple? o War chest? o Overseas cash? o Discounted P/E? Greenlight Capital, Inc. Domestic/Foreign Cash as a Percentage of Market Cap 22% 10% Domestic Cash 67% Cash 16 So let's look at Apple: War chest? More like a war vault. Apple has by far the largest cash pile - $137 billion and growing rapidly. Its cash represents nearly a third of its market cap. Overseas cash? Most of Apple's cash - $94 billion or 69% - is now offshore and would require paying taxes to be brought onshore. That's in addition to the other $43 billion it's holding domestically. Discounted P/E? Apple trades at an exceedingly low P/E - approximately 10x current earnings and 7x net of the cash. When a third of your market cap is in cash, it means that two thirds of the price is the high-earning operating business, and one third is the under-earning cash balance. 16
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