Pathward Financial Results Presentation Deck slide image

Pathward Financial Results Presentation Deck

Diversified Noninterest Income Streams HIGHLIGHTS Noninterest income continues to represent greater than 40% of total revenue. Majority of non-interest income fees are generated by the Company's BaaS business line. Other major items include leasing rental income and other loan & lease fees. Pathward's large fee income base provides stability through interest rate and credit cycles, while propelling continued revenue growth. In the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2023, the Company recognized $10 million of fee income associated with the sale of the Meta trademarks. 14 Pathward Financial, Inc. (Nasdaq: CASH) | Quarterly Investor Presentation FY23 Revenue Breakdown¹ Noninterest income 40% FY23 Noninterest Income Breakdown¹ Rental Income 23% Card and Deposit Fees 68% Net interest income 60% 1 Excludes gain on sale of trademarks. Other Income 7% Refund Transfer Product Fees 1% Refund Advance Product Fees 1% pathward
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