Cameco IPO Presentation Deck
Cameco is Operating and Invested Across
the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Cigar Lake (54.5%')
Saskatchewan, Canada
Uranium Grades 100 Times the
World Average
Licensed Capacity (100%):
18 M lbs/yr
Reserves and Resources
(100%; Contained and % Grade U₂0)
P&P: 152.4 M lbs @ 15.4%
M&I: 103.7 M lbs @ 13.8%
Rabbit Lake
Tier One Uranium Assets
McArthur River (69.8%) /
Key Lake (83.3%)
Saskatchewan, Canada
The World's Largest, High-
Grade Uranium Mine / Mill
Licensed Capacity (100%):
25 M lbs/yr
Reserves and Resources
(100%; Contained and % Grade U₂0g)
P&P: 393.9 M lbs @ 6.6%
M&I: 9.0 M lbs @ 2.5%
Inkai (40%)
A Significant Low-Cost Source
of Uranium
Licensed Capacity (100%):
10.4 M lbs/yr
Reserves and Resources
(100%; Contained and % Grade U₂O)
P&P: 281.2 M lbs @ 0.04%
M&I: 89.1 M lbs @ 0.03%
Tier Two Uranium Assets and Advanced Projects
US ISR Operations
Nebraska & Wyoming
Western Australia
Western Australia
Energizing a clean-air world
Blind River
Port Hope
Fuel Services
World's Largest Commercial Uranium
• 18 M kgU as UO3 p.a. (licensed up to 24 M
kgu subject to certain equipment upgrades)
Canada's Only Uranium Conversion Facility
• Produces UF, and UO₂
• Licensed Capacity: 12.5 M kgU UF, & 2.8 M
kgu UO2
Manufactures Fuel Bundles and Reactor
Cameco Fuel Components for CANDU heavy water
Manufacturing Reactors
• Capacity: 1.2 m kgU as UO₂ fuel pellets
Other Fuel Cycle Investments
Developing and Testing Third-Generation
Global Laser Laser Enrichment Technology
• Commercial lead with option to attain a
majority interest of up to 75%
Note: Reserves and resources as at Dec. 31, 2021. See slides 22 and 23 for breakdown of tonnes and grade for each category of mineral reserves and resources | Reflects increase in ownership to 54.5% effective May 19, 2022.
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