Baird Investment Banking Pitch Book slide image

Baird Investment Banking Pitch Book

■ SUMMARY TERMS OF WATER EARN-OUT AR is considering a proposal whereby AM would accelerate the earn-out payment associated with the 2015 water drop-down In September 2015, AR sold its integrated water business to AM for $1.05 billion, plus an additional $250 million subject to the following Earn-Out provisions: Payment of $125 million at year-end 2019 upon AM delivering a total of 176,295,000 barrels of water from 2017-2019 (equating to an average of 161 Mbbld) Earn-Out Period Payment of $125 million at year-end 2020 upon AM delivering a total of 219,200,000 barrels of water from 2018-2020 (equating to an average of 200 Mbbld) 36-month Period Ending 12/31/19 36-month Period Ending 12/31/20 Payment to AR (SMM) $125 $125 Cumulative Earn-out Threshold (Mbbl) 176,295 219,200 AR Projections (Cumulative) Projected Earn-Out Volumes % of Proj. Volumes (Mbbl) 197,539 221,999 112% 101% I Daily Earn-out Threshold (Mbbld) Confidential 161 200 Note, AR is agnostic to the source of the delivered water volumes from AM (freshwater, Veolia, etc.) There is no "banking" concept associated with the water earn-out volumes No explicit terms preventing AR from taking volumes for the purpose of reaching earn-out payments Source: Sept 2015 Water Services Agreement and Contribution Agreement in connection with the contribution of water assets from AR to AM. Base Case projections as of March 23. BAIRD AR Projections (Daily) Projected Earn-Out Avg. Volumes % of Proj. (Mbbld) Volumes 180 203 Project Bronco 112% 101% Page 3
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