Toyota Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Toyota Investor Presentation Deck

Toyota USA Operations by the Numbers | YEARS MANUFACTURING IN THE U.S. $28.48 DIRECT INVESTMENT IN THE US." 28.8M I VEHICLES BUILT IN THE US, AND COUNTING HEARLY 170,000 I U.S.-BUILT TOYOTAS EXPORTED TO 30 COUNTRIES IN 2019 Toyota By The Numbers" part of the curtain that plárs, dan balón our commitment to th 2,383,349 | 2019 VEHICLES SOLD IN THE ULS. OVER 186,000 | PEOPLE WORKING ACROSS THE ULS. $30.2B DEALER INVESTMENT IN THE US. 14 1 HYBRID MODELS IN THE U.S. PLUS THE MIRAI FOW IN SELECT MARKETS 1,194,348 1 301 VEHICLES PRODUCED IN THE U.S. 10 PLANTS IN THE ULS. AND 14 IN NORTH AMERICA." OVER $1M 1 SPENT GLOBALLY EVERY HOUR ON AND 13 I SITES WITH CERTIFIED WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION PROGRAMS $35.3B | PARTS AND MATERIALS PURCHASED" NEARLY 1,500 I TOYOTA AND LEXUS DEALERS $1.18 1 IN TOTAL UUS. DONATIONS 470,100 | JOBS CREATED IN THE US.* 000 FF00000 9 9 9 00 1972 Manulachining operations begin in US. City Design Rearch established 1973 1977 Toyota Technical Center, USA, incorporated 1900 Toyobak ground in Georgetown, IC. The future home of TUNC Toyota's Best wholy 1990 1997 2000 Frydd sold in 20:00 Our History Toyota USA.Foundation tablished Ariana Proving Grounded 2006 Hybrid production begin in 15. 2011 North American vehicle produced 2012 North American vehicle produced Om Prius cold globally 2010 Tooth American Center for Quality Excelence established Collaboratively Rearch Center (CC) i 9 9 2015 Toy trs ground on its new North American headquarters in Plano, Texas 25 Month North American vehicle produced All data on of December 2019, except where noted 2 Toyotovehicles and components assembled using US, and globally sourced parts 3 Parts, materials and components (CY2019), Goods and Services [CY 20191, 4 As of December 31, 2019, 5 Based on Toyota data. Includes direct and dealer employees, including our joint venture plant in Alabama.? Includes U.S. (not HJ and Puerto Rico. 8 Global estimate based on Fr18 projections of Toyota Motor Corporation. 9 As of CY 2019. 10 2015 Center for Automotive Research Study. Includes direct, dealer and supplier employees and jobs created through their spending Source: Toyota USA website TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES
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