Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck

D A Revised Proposal for Creating Value at McDonald's There have been several mischaracterizations of our Initial Proposal which we believe need to be cleared up. Mischaracterizations of Our Initial Proposal... Final Revised Proposal.ppt Our Initial Proposal did NOT: ► Provide for the sale of any real estate by McDonald's ► Put franchisees in danger of having a new landlord Involve the creation of a REIT ► Require a real estate financing to create significant value ► Hinge on a leveraged share buyback as its primary method of value creation Our Initial Proposal did: ► Assume significant value would be unlocked once McOpCo was IPO'ed and investors had access to transparent financials for Brand McDonald's, demonstrating that it is fundamentally NOT a restaurant company 25
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