NVIDIA Investor Conference Presentation Deck slide image

NVIDIA Investor Conference Presentation Deck

GENETIC VARIANT DETECTION Deep Learning Variant Calling NVIDIA Clara & Google DeepVariant VIRTUAL DRUG SCREENING Docking 40B Compounds UBC DeepDocking ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - THE MOST POWERFUL TECHNOLOGY FORCE OF OUR TIME PROTEIN STRUCTURE PREDICTION Experimental Accuracy Google AlphaFold CYS 107 DRUG DISCOVERY 1,000X Faster Simulations Caltech OrbNet A remained hyp was inserted Su An arterial line TREATMENT Piptazo TREATME Hemodynamics were supported with levop crystalloids TREATMENT blood and urine cultures TEST were dr had normalized BIOMEDICAL & CLINICAL NLP State-of-the-Art Language Model NVIDIA BioMegatron BioBERT COMPUTATIONAL MICROSCOPE Atomic Molecular Simulation UCSD NAMD & ANL DeepDrive MD Experimental Accuracy | Prediction | Simulation 10 5 0 COMPUTATIONAL DEMAND FOR AI DRIVEN DRUG DISCOVERY (petaFLOPS per organization)* 2016 2018 TOTAL HPC+AI 2020 Al HPC CV ML NLP AlphaFold DeepVariant Generative Models *Source: NVIDIA estimated - assumes a computational pipeline that identifies 10 disease targets, screens 1M compounds per target (inc. virtual & HCS) and 500 simulations per target
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