BenevolentAI Results Presentation Deck
BEN-2293 - Phase Ila study recruitment completed
Baseline assessments
itch and AD score
Wash out
7 day
Wash out from
any existing
Current Status
or exclude
Run in
3 day
run in
Phase lla clinical study design
LPLV - last patient last visit | DBL database lock | TLR - Top line results
LPLV achieved end January 2023
91 patients randomised (65 moderate and 26 mild)
DBL completed 1st March
TLR anticipated end March
Continuous safety monitoring
28d BID dosing over affected skin area
28 day
BID dosing on affected skin upto a maximum of 30% BSA
Placebo:Active (1:1), Moderate: Mild patient ratio 70:30, Total of 91
patients (50% active:50% placebo)
BenevolentAl Proprietary
Study endpoints - itch
and AD rating scales
Follow up
14 day
Final safety
Our intention is to to partner this asset with a
pharmaceutical company that has a focus in
dermatology for continued clinical development
and, if approved, commercialisation
Benevolent 18View entire presentation