Meyer Burger Investor Presentation
Analysis Net Working Capital
Increase in receivables by
MCHF +4.4
Inventories (net) increased by
MCHF +18.0 (reduction of
attributed customer
prepayments MCHF 14.0)
Overall decrease in customer
prepayments of MCHF -19.2,
mainly due to weak incoming
orders in H1 2018
Trade and other receivables
Inventories (gross)
./. Allocated customer prepayments
Trade payables
Customer prepayments
30.06. 2018
31.12. 2017
63 565
59 177
164 764
160 734
61 034
176 584
- 63 411
- 77 420
- 81 344
Inventories (net)
101 353
83 314
95 240
Other current assets 1
10 518
8 739
6 399
Current assets excluding cash and cash equivalents
175 435
151 231
162 672
Current financial liabilities 1
1 556
32 112
29 970
28 010
61 863
67 065
58 270
Current provisions
Other current liabilities
14 872
15 883
9 614
38 719
50 691
43 763
Net liability from construction
contracts turned into a
receivable in line with project
Current liabilities
Net working capital
148 057
163 938
141 213
27 378
- 12 707
21 459
Change in NWC of MCHF +40.1
Increase in NWC mainly due to the lower customer
prepayments and increase in trade/other receivables as well as
1 In the balance sheet 31 December 2016, straight bond values (repaid on 24 May 2017) of MCHF 129.93 (in current liability) and acquired own
straight bonds MCHF 3.1 (in current financial asset) were not included in NWC calculation.
Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and MediaView entire presentation