Klarna Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Klarna Investor Presentation Deck

Leading the industry in putting the consumer first. Actively managing down late fees Driven by the growing app usage adoption as the app helps consumers keep track of their outstanding payments, giving them greater control over their personal finances. Indexed late fees as share of volume. Late fees are defined as fees that originate from consumers not paying on time. 100 - 15 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Launch of the "Never forget test" (SE) ■ Part of Klarna's overall work to actively manage down the share of late fees in relation to total volume. ■ Consumers can get reminder fees back by doing the "Never forget test", which promotes responsible spending and gives tips to consumers on how to pay future invoices on time. Nollmissionen (SE) - "Mission zero" ■ Our long-term commitment to increase transparency around customer complaints and reduce them to zero to ensure 100% happy customers. Halved complaints in 2 years from 40 per one million purchases in 2018 to less than 20 per one million in 2020. ■ Mission zero will become global in 2021. 5₂₂ Purchases Q Search for a purchase Transactions Items Today Bela Hauto Due in 30 days Brite Electrical Auto-paying with card Paid off: $30 of $120 Yesterday June 4 Indoor Paid Olive Kitchenware Paid +2 $120 $120 $200 $75
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