Citi Investment Banking Pitch Book
Detailed Illustrative Timing: One Step Structure-Jun-04
Cotober 16
November 16
After Completion of Merger
+ Charlle and Papareuse and traxe defri lue proxy sbalement
Selspedd mee ing dalke, hour and location and nolty releuants lock marke
Charle des deirilue proxy statement
Challe mais detri lue proxy semeni lol tslochdders (the proxy statemeni musibe maled nolless than 20 business days before the date of he
slockholder mee ing pursuant to the proxy rules Ipubidy Bed document Incorporated by reference)
Finallbank loan documentalon
Mee Ing of Charlle's slodhdders
Execution and doding of bank loan documentation
♦ Cloding of merger agreemenl
Filecerilonofmerger with Delaware secretary of state
+ Merger becomes efeclue upon such ing
Charle des -Kannounding comple lon of merger
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File nola wh SEO deregles lerng Challe commons lock
◆ Resolue any pendre apprasa acton led by former Charlle commanslockholders
Citigroup]View entire presentation