AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

2020 ESG SCORECARD Safety & health Environment 3. Socio-political People Production Cost Financial Fatal injuries¹ 2 Recordable injury rate ¹ 2.14 New cases occupational disease ¹ 30 Noise exposure ² 72% Social Way compliance 23% (on track) Inhalable hazards exposure ² 6% Energy savings³ 8% Local procurement $10.0bn Women in senior management 27% HIV status known 89% GHG savings 3 34% Jobs supported by Enterprise Dev. initiatives 137,777 Women in management positions 27% HIV+ employees undergoing ART 93% Level 4-5 environmental incidents ¹ Businesses supported by Enterprise Dev. initiatives 66,625 Voluntary turnover 1.5% 1. Refer to slide 34 for definitions. 2. This measure reflects the number employees exposed to noise over the occupational exposure lim it as a percentage of the total employees exposed to noise. Employees exposed over the occupational exposure limit are issued with, and trained in the use of PPE. Energy and GHG savings are calculated relative to projected 'business as usual' consumption levels. AngloAmerican 90
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