First Citizens BancShares Results Presentation Deck
Strategic Priorities
Grow Core Lines of Business
Allocate capital and investments to grow lines of business with the highest returns and opportunity.
Optimize Capital & Core Funding
Scale Talent with an Eye Towards the Future
Attract, retain and develop associates who align with our long-term direction and culture while scaling for
continued growth.
Maintain Positive Operating Leverage
Identify areas to enhance revenue and control costs beyond acquisition synergy goals.
Continue to optimize core funding by growing lower cost deposits.
Use innovation to facilitate growth, expand revenue opportunities and reduce cost of delivery while
building a foundation for the future.
Manage Risk Effectively
Deliver value from SVB acquisition
First Citizens
Continue to manage risk within our defined risk appetite.
Align risk management activities to support our move to the large financial institution framework.
Maintain position as an important partner for the innovation economy.
Continue to rebuild trust with legacy SVB client base.
Focus on retaining legacy SVB talent and driving revenue growth.
Leverage complementary capabilities and cultural attributes to differentiate our value proposition throughout
customers' life cycle.
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