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Selina SPAC

Selina Can Use This Playbook Around the World We convert old, tired hotels into exciting, contemporary locations that generate, on average, a 2.4x¹ increase in revenue compared to prior hotel operators Urban BEFORE Lisbon, Portugal BEFORE Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Selina AFTER Revenue Uplift 2.9x AFTER Revenue Uplift 10026 3.6x Remote BEFORE Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica BEFORE Red Frog, Panama AFTER Revenue Uplift 5.9x AFTER Revenue Uplift 2 7.4x CHOPI 1. Calculated as total revenue uplift over previous operators based on sample of 32 hotels from Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Peru, UK, Portugal, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, and Israel for properties for which we are able to source pre-Selina revenue figure. Pre-Selina revenues provided by landlord, and are last full year of operations pre-Selina. Selina figures are 2019 FY (if open for less than full year then revenue is annualized) or 2021 FY for properties opened in 2020. 2. Based on 2019 Selina Unit-Level Revenue divided by pre-Selina Unit-Level Revenue. OUR STORY 21
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