Factset Investor Day Presentation Deck
Margin expansion plan
Actively manage key expense drivers: people, real estate, technology and third-party data
Reduce real estate footprint to reduce costs
Focus on sustainable margin expansion to fund investment, coupled with careful expense management and
productivity goals
7% -8% growth 1
(lower than ASV 2 growth)
Increase workforce
productivity with improved
technology and "upskilling"
• 66% in COE locations 3
· Prioritize resources for new
investments and growth
Real Estate
~150 bps reduction
(as % Revenues)
Reduced real estate footprint
due to hybrid operating model
Optimizing number of
locations and floors for office
Decreasing expense as a
percentage of annual revenues
Support growth and investments
(8.5% -9.0% of Revenues)
Continue to invest in Cloud to
optimize performance
Increase expense growth to
support investment strategy
Provide incremental client
products and functionality
Above goals represent FactSet's expectations as of April 5, 2022. Actual results may differ materially from expectations above.
¹ Average target growth rate through FY25
2 Organic ASV + Professional Services
3 As of Q2 FY2022
Third-Party Data Costs
5% -6% growth ¹
(lower than ASV 2 growth)
Rationalize data sources
Support strategic initiatives
while managing base cost
growth to inflation increases
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