Reservoir Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Reservoir Investor Presentation Deck

3 Proven M&A Platform 281 New Deals Considered In FY2021 102 OFFERS MADE 36%¹ 71 DEALS INTO EXCLUSIVITY 25%¹ 66 DEALS CLOSED 1 23%¹ $650M+ CAPITAL DEPLOYED since inception² 1 Based on total offers made, deals into exclusivity, and deals closed as a percentage of new deals considered in FY2021, respectively 2 As of 09-30-22 88% of GROSS PROFIT & COST SYNERGIES FLOW to EBITDA³ 3 For the period FY18-FY22 4 IRR represents a net return on invested capital since inception (2007) by the majority shareholder marking the investment to market upon close of SPAC merger 220+ M&A TARGETS IN CURRENT PIPELINE AS OF 09-30-22 12% UNLEVERED IRR since 20074 Totaling $2.1B 17 R
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