Cloudera Investor Presentation Deck
Cloud data warehouse with a scale-up architecture that handles 50PB and 1,000+ users
CDP Public Cloud
DW experience
Cloud-native service
Runs on AWS or Azure
container services
Single-service cluster
(Impala or Hive LLAP)
Auto: resume / suspend/
resize (scale)
Shared data and catalog
with other CDP experiences
CDP Private Cloud
Cloud-native service
Runs in Red Hat OCP
Distro form-factor
Deployed on AWS or Azure
VMs via control plane
Pre-configured cluster
definition (Data Mart) with
Hue, Impala
Multi-tenant service model
Shared data and catalog
with other CDP experiences
Top use cases: optimize EDW, Operations & Events (IoT) DW, and Research & Discovery DW
Single-service cluster
(Impala or Hive LLAP)
Auto: resume / suspend /
resize (scale)
CDP Public Cloud
Data Hub
Shared data and catalog
with other CDP experiences
CDP Private Cloud
Distro form-factor
Deployed to bare metal
Cloudera Manager driven
install & operations
Multi-tenant service model
Best of both CDH/HDP
(Formerly CDP Data Center)
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