Company Overview
For personal use only
IHL-42X Conclusions
Data from phase 2 proof of concept clinical trial
supports the potential of IHL-42X as an effective
and well tolerated treatment for OSA, meeting
the unmet needs of millions of people.
IHL-42X reduced AHI, improved sleep
quality with respect to both patient reported
outcome and actigraphy, and did not lead to
any adverse events beyond those expected
based on what was expected from
dronabinol and acetazolamide.
Low dose IHL-42X was the most effective of the
doses tested in this study.
It reduced AHI by over half (on average) in trial
participants and 25% of participants saw an 80%
reduction in AHI.
Low dose IHL-42X has the lowest number of
reported adverse events, even lower than placebo.
Low observed THC blood concentration amongst
participants below limits for impairment to drive.
Lead Assets
Patent application for IHL-42X considered
"novel and inventive" by international
patent examiner.
Pre-IND meeting completed with FDA and the
next major development milestone for IHL-42X
will be the commencement of the IND opening
clinical trial.
Investor Presentation
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