Celsius Network Market Presentation Deck slide image

Celsius Network Market Presentation Deck

Our best-in-class digitally-native set of products provide holistic financial services; Retail & Institutional Dashboard FC Your Currency 8. E Coban $180123 4,307.647097 CEL interest forned $317.14 41.36% This Year's Earings $701.32 Depost Calina 0 with Cut Ethereum $23,882 59 53.055075 ETH 18WAY Cuency Appiation $384.18 +33% Pay with y Your all-time comings $1.501 23 502632179LTC tam $4,998.71 The intet that your dipeats hove ered with Cobe $1.501.23 The total appreciation of of the cumences you hold in Calius $3,497.71 13.94% of your curent bon O K Wh 201 Confered CL Confid CILI 2 M wrhdrawal 2016 Ceny Punches 12021123 Withdrawal Confirmed CEL 2014 AM Currency Purchase 200023 pu Confirmed CEL 23 2018 AM Depost -31.03 Hilla Mare With Celsius, you have earned $4,998.71 for a balance of $25,083.82 Recent transactions Transact X -15.03 ON (0 DUB Buy Staking* 27 Swap IBI 08 Custody* Our Offering Pay D Credit Card* [ Borrow $ Earn C Celsius * Coming soon 5
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