Bridge Investment Group Results Presentation Deck
Notes to Performance Summary
The investment performance presented herein is intended to illustrate the performance of investments held by the funds and other vehicles we manage and the potential for
which is relevant to the performance-based fees to Bridge. Other than the Investor Unlevered Net IRR and the Investor Levered Net IRR numbers presented, the cash flows in the
investment performance do not reflect the cash flows used in presentations of fund performance due to the fund level expenses, reserves, and reinvested capital.
Closed-End Funds represented herein does not include performance for (i) Opportunity Zone funds as such funds are invested in active development projects and have
minimal stabilized assets, (ii) funds that are currently raising capital, including our open-ended funds, or (iii) strategic acquisitions within the last 12 months. Each fund
identified contemplates all associated parallel and feeder limited partnerships in which investors subscribe and accordingly share common management. All
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in the combined presentation. Values and performance presented herein are the combined investor
returns gross of any applicable legal entity taxes.
Cumulative Fund Committed Capital represents total capital commitments to the fund (excluding joint ventures or separately managed accounts).
Unreturned Drawn Capital plus Accrued Pref represents the amount the fund needs to distribute to its investors as a return of capital and a preferred return before the
General Partner is entitled to receive performance fees or allocations from the fund.
Cumulative Investment Invested Capital represents the total cost of investments since inception (including any recycling or refinancing of investments). This figure will
differ from Cumulative Paid-In Capital, which represents the total contributions or drawn down commitments from all investors since inception.
Realized Investment Value represents net cash proceeds received in connection with all investments, including distributions from investments and disposition proceeds.
Unrealized Investment Value represents the estimated liquidation values that are generally based upon appraisals, contracts and internal estimates. There can be no
assurance that Unrealized Investment Fair Value will be realized at valuations shown, and realized values will depend on numerous factors including, among others, future
asset-level operating results, asset values and market conditions at the time of disposition, transaction costs, and the timing and manner of disposition, all of which may
differ from the assumptions on which the Unrealized Investment Value are based. Direct fund investments in real property are held at cost minus transaction expenses
for the first six months.
Unrealized Investment MOIC represents the Multiple on Invested Capital ("MOIC") for Total Investment Fair Value associated with unrealized investments before
management fees, fund level expenses and carried interest, divided by Cumulative Investment Invested Capital attributable to those unrealized investments.
Total Investment Fair Value represents the sum of Realized Investment Value and Unrealized Investment Value, before management fees, expenses and carried interest.
Total Investment MOIC represents the MOIC for Total Investment Fair Value divided by Cumulative Investment Invested Capital.
Investor Levered Gross IRR is an annualized realized and unrealized fund-level internal rate of return to fee-paying fund investors, computed from inception based on the
effective dates of cash inflows (capital contributions) and cash outflows (distributions) and the remaining fair value (to fee-paying investors), gross of management fees and
carried interest. Because IRRS are time-weighted calculations, for certain newer funds with short measurement periods, IRRS may be amplified by fund leverage and early
fund expenses and may not be meaningful. For certain IRRS calculated with an initial date less than one year from the reporting date, the IRR presented is de-annualized,
representing such period's return.
Investor Levered Net IRR is an annualized realized and unrealized return to fee-paying investors since the date of the first capital call, net of the investors actual
management fees, fund level expenses and carried interest. Net return information reflects the aggregated fund fee-paying investor level returns net of all fees, which
may differ from an individual investor's returns due to timing of investment, variance in fees paid by such investor, and other investor-specific investment costs such as
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