Amazon Shareholder Engagement Presentation Deck
Item 13-Shareholder Proposal Requesting Additional Reporting on
Freedom of Association
Why We Recommend You Vote Against This Proposal
We have already prepared the requested report and disclosed the information sought by this proposal
As discussed in more detail in the report, our human rights commitment and approach are informed by leading international standards and
frameworks developed by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization, which recognize the right to freedom of association
and collective bargaining, and we use the framework of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("UNGPs") to guide
our approach
Our policies afford employees the freedom to form or join a labor organization or other lawful organization of their selection, collective
bargaining, direct and indirect participation in workplace consultation structures, and access to redress mechanisms. We embed these policies
across our business with direct employee involvement
Like many other companies, we hold meetings with our employees about unionization because it's important that everyone understands the
facts about joining a union and the election process itself. These meetings have been legal for over 70 years and are highly regulated by National
Labor Relations Board case law
Our employees' voices are critical to us, so we also go beyond mere compliance with legal requirements by listening and responding to ideas and
concerns of our employees, empowering them to communicate and provide feedback through various formal and informal mechanisms
Globally, we are subject to dozens of collective bargaining agreements at national, regional, sectoral, and enterprise levels
In Europe, we are party to hundreds of works council agreements. In 2022, we established a European Works Council that will provide employee
representation across our sites in the European Union
We have dozens of Associate Forums in which employees, elected by their peers, meet directly with site management at regular intervals to share
ideas, concerns, information, and feedback, giving employees and managers an opportunity to directly engage on key decisions that affect the site or
employee experience, including working practices, shift schedules, and employee well-being
Proponent: Shareholder Association for Research & Education on behalf of The Catherine Donnelly Foundation
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