Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book slide image

Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book

EV/2012E EBITDA 12.0x 8.0x 7.6x 4.0x 0.0x 6.0x 5.8x Selected Public Companies 5.1x Oxford Perry True Jones Ellis Religion Group Apparel 10.1x 7.9x 7.6x Footwear & Accessories 6.4x 6.2x Wolverine Steve Fossil Genesco Deckers Madden Brand Management Source: Kenneth Cole Productions management projections, public Slings, FactSet, Capital IQ Wall Street research ceas estimates as of June 4, 2012. Note: Selected pubic companies exdule Cherokee and Fit & Pacices Cherokee multiples are not publicly available and Fifth & Pacific multiples are not meaningfal due to depressol teeds of EBITDA. KCP implied multiplies based on unaffected closing share price of $13.07 on February 23, 2012, the last trading day prior to announcement that Kenneth Cole submitted an initial offer to acquire KCP for $15.00 per shan, KCP EBITDA hundened for stock-based compensation and adjusted for one-time expenses and impairment changes. (1) 8 7.1x KCP (Research) Iconix KCP (Mgmt.) 6.0x 9.4x KCP™ KCP™ Bank of America Merrill Lynch
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