Nextdoor SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Nextdoor SPAC Presentation Deck

A week in the life of fire information mgr: meet Cecile San Mateo-Santa Cruz, CA 5:06 1 Safari FIRE Wildfire Awareness Webinar Join us as we present CAL FIRE's "Ready, Set, Go Program," and "The Zonehaven Evacuation Platform." There will be time for LTE Q&A Tuesday April 6 from 6:30 to Wildfire Awareness Webinar: Meet Our Presenters CAL FIRE CZU San Mateo-Santa Cruz Information Officer Cecile Julete from CAL FIRE-1 day ago WILDFIRE AWARENESS WEBINARS: Meet our guest presenters! We are featuring two defensible space & home hardening experts from local Fire Safe Councils in Part of our Wildfire Awareness series. Sign up now to watch v and submit your questions this Tuesday night. Everyone is invited. Click the link to register El dia Martes, 11 de Mayo del 2021 a las 6:30PM, Vamos a tener una MON presentación sobre Prevención de incendios Forestales por medio de Zoom La presentación será completamente en Español y tendrán oportunidad de hacer preguntas. Muy pronto haremos el anuncio de cómo inscribirse para el evento Esperamos verica y asi poder contestaries cualquier pregunta que tangan WILDFIE AWARENESS Home Harden 4 www Sets up wildfire webinar Organizes and promotes wildfire awareness webinar ahead of fire season Posts real time update on evacuation procedures for the immediate area Updates Evacuation Order TUE 10:28 X 14th St Location 17th St 18th St Update local residents? cery Outlet 13th St 25th St WED Post to this area Alabama Q 18th St St st S 23rd St 26th Alerts neighbors to local wildfire Pushes out a geo-targeted urgent alert about a fire to affected residents 10:28 nextdoor THU Home Messages 28 Invite Residents BB O Metrics Events Agency Neighborhoods Directory Checks the post metrics to make sure messages are getting through Monitors metrics FRI Responds to questions Answers residents' questions about the urgent alert 13
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