Perplexity AI Investor Presentation Deck slide image

Perplexity AI Investor Presentation Deck

November 29: Stack Overflow denis used /stackoverflow NOT Today at 10:41 AM @denis: how to write a join query in SQL There are a few ways to write a join query in SQL. One way is to use the INNER JOIN function [1]: SELECT I. R.YCOL FROM LeftTable AS L INNER JOIN RightTable AS R ON L.IDCol-R. IDCol; Another way is to use the LEFT JOIN function [2]: SELECT L.XCOI, R.YCol FROM LeftTable AS L LEFT JOIN Right Table AS R ON L.IDCOL-R. IDCol: You can also use the RIGHT JOIN function [3]: SELECT L.XCol. R.yCal FROM LeftTable AS L RIGHT JOIN RightTable AS R ON L.IDCO1-R.IDCol; Finally, you can use the FULL JOIN function [4]: SELECT L.XCol, R.YCol FROM LeftTable AS L FULL JOIN RightTable AS R ON LIDCO1-R. IDCol; [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
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