Origo Results Presentation Deck
Operational service and infrastructure solutions
- Focus on the Cloud and Automation
Improved results despite revenue decline
1.6% revenue growth in Q3 and 9% revenue decline in the first 9 months of the year.
18% improvement in Q3 results compared to 2020 and 7% EBITDA margin in the first 9 months of the year.
Infrastructure sales and changes in the service offering explain the lower sales and improvement in results in Q3
Strong focus on revenue transformation and simplifying the product range
Service desk and on-site services combined in the Service Center to ensure improved communication from first
A mixed approach to cloud services for larger enterprises, while the Origo Léttský and total managed services are
available for smaller enterprises.
Closing or transforming older services with low economies of scale or obsolete infrastructure.
Syndis Öryggislausnir has begun operating based on the envisaged plan with a focus on consulting, operations
contracts and software development
Syndis Software has been launched with a focus on software development in the field of security, working with
some of the intellectual property that existed in Syndis.
A significant proportion of Syndis' revenue now comes from abroad.
Origo assisted TM in designing an insurance category that insures companies against financial losses that may
result form cyber attacks.
Léttský er ný skýjalausn sem hentar litlum og meðalstórum fyrirtækjum. Leyfðu
okkur að sjá um tæknimálin á meðan þú einbeitir þér að daglegum rekstri.
Managed Services and Infrastructure
9M 2019
9M 2020
9M 2021
EBITDA 9M 2021
ISK 248m (7.1%)
[5.0% FY 2020]View entire presentation