Nexters Results Presentation Deck
Key operating and non-IFRS metrics used in the presentation nexters
In this presentation, we use a number of key operating and non-IFRS financial metrics which we believe accurately, in material aspects, reflect the principal parameters of our
historic and projected performance. For further information, regarding our operating metrics, see the registration statement on Form F-1 filed with the SEC.
Operating metrics
Monthly active users (MAUS) are the number of individuals who played a particular game in the 30-day period ending with the measurement date
Daily active users (DAUS) are the number of individuals who played one of our games during a particular day
Monthly paying users (MPUs) are the number of individuals who made a purchase of a virtual item at least once on a particular platform in the 30-day period
ending with the measurement date
Monthly Payer Conversion is the total number of MPUS, divided by the number of MAUS
Average Bookings Per Paying User (ABPPU) is the total Bookings attributable to in-game purchases in a given period, divided by the number of months in that
period, divided by the average number of MPUS during the period
Bookings are sales contracts generated from in-game purchases and sales of advertisement in a given period
Non-IFRS measures
Adjusted costs and expenses. The Company defines Adjusted costs and expenses as the total of platform commissions, game operating costs, selling and
marketing expenses and general and administrative expenses for the period as shown in the Company's financial statements in accordance with IFRS, adjusted to
exclude (i) share-based compensation expense, (ii) net change in deferred platform commission fees, (iii) impairment of non-current assets, (iv) any gains and losses
arising as result of business combinations and (v) other special items, which are infrequent in nature and/or outside of the normal operating business. Adjusted
costs and expenses is a non-IFRS financial measure and should not be construed as an alternative to total comprehensive profit/loss for the year as an indicator of
operating performance as determined in accordance with IFRSView entire presentation