DraftKings Results Presentation Deck
DraftKings Share Count Detail
Share Count as of June 30, 2023
Common Shares Outstanding (30-June-23)
Vested Stock Options @ TSM(1)
Memo: Vested Stock Options
Diluted Shares Outstanding (With Vested Stock Options @ TSM)
DEAC Private Placement Warrants (²)
GNOG Private Placement Warrants (³)
Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding
Table is not reflective of GAAP diluted share count given GAAP diluted share count includes unvested restricted stock units and out-of-the-money shares underlying DraftKings' convertible notes.
Table does not include shares of Class B common stock, which have no economic or participating rights.
(1) Based on Treasury Stock Method ("TSM"); assumes DraftKings Class A share price as of 2-August-2023 and strike price of $3.57 per stock option.
Based on TSM; assumes DraftKings Class A share price as of 2-August-2023 and strike price of $11.50 per warrant.
(3) Based on TSM; assumes DraftKings Class A share price as of 2-August-2023. Strike price of $31.50 per warrant is above the current share price of DraftKings Class A common stock, so the dilutive effect is 0.
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