dLocal Investor Day Presentation Deck
We started this journey in
2016, understanding the
urgent need to connect
global merchants with
billions of Emerging
Market consumers
Solving high
complexity at scale
USD 1.4 TN
market opportunity¹
Note: 'Market opportunity represents estimated total digital payments volume in the countries in which we operate. The calculation of market opportunity is based on a report prepared by Americas Market Intelligence, LLC, or AMI, as commissioned by dLocal at the time of its IPO
and updated by an independent third party advisor. The total market opportunity was calculated for pay-in (including cross-border and domestic) and pay-out (including ride-hailing, delivery apps, property rentals, freelance work and international remittances) volumes across 39
countries in which dLocal operates (excludes China). Data provided by AMI was updated based on a set of macroeconomic indicators for each country, including changes in GDP, private consumption expenditures, imports of goods and services, and foreign remittances. For the
countries in which it was not possible to update the values by reference to macroeconomic indicators, a combination of metrics was used to estimate e-commerce market share, including comparing market share with neighboring countries, relative penetration of mobile
subscriptions, and other methods. Pay-in includes all online purchases of goods and services, regardless of the device or payment method used, in all verticals. Pay-out is defined as payments made by companies to individuals for contract services rendered or for other purposes
(e.g., international remittances and freelance work). The calculation of market opportunity and expected growth in market opportunity is based on current estimates and assumptions. Amounts are subject to change and we undertake no duty to update this outlook.
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