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Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book

Preliminary Selected Public Companies Analysis WPG PEI Retail Peer Selected Companies Mean Retail Peer Selected Companies Median RHO at 01/29/2016 (Management) RHO at BOREAS 01/19/2016 Proposal (Management) RHO Unaffected at 1/15/2016 (Management) RHO Unaffected at 1/15/2016 (SNL Consensus) 20 8888888 Closing Stock Price as of 52-Week $10.55 19.39 (4) 17.58 17.00 Shown for Informational Purposes Other Retail Selected Companies Mean Other Retail Selected Companies edian 13.49 13.49 TRAINING (3) Bosed on SAL consensus estimates os of February 2, 2016. Based on Green Street Advisors as of February 2, 2016. 49% 49% 77% 49% 88% 67% 67% 85% Dividend Yield 11.5% 4.3% 8.6% 10.0% 4,2% 5.3% 1.3% Lqualty Market $2,107 1,907 1,503 1,019 984 378 CAPITALIZATION 778 Tou Enterprise $1,839 $6,001 $1,907 $6,215 $8,064 6,215 3,723 2,774 2,739 2,533 2,533 $23,389 $35,253 $13,179 $19,728 Net DebNet Deb + Pref./ /LTM TEV ERITOA 74% (8) Based on SNL consensus estimates. Other retail selected companies include SPG, GGP, MAC, PCO, and SKT. Shown for informational purposes. 66% 63% 64% 69% 69% 15% 34% 7.0x 80x 7.0x 9.3x 9.3x 9.3x 7.2x Preliminary, Subject to Further Review and Revision Bank of America Merrill Lynch 7.3x TEV/EBITDA 30164 10.3x 11.3x 13.8 11.8x 11.3x 13.4x 13.8x 20.2x 20131 1.3x 10.1M 11.0x 14.7x 129 13.0x 11.3x 11.0x 12.4x 11.4x 12.6x 19.0x 19.3x (5) Figures for other retail selected companies reflect most recent public fogs. RHO figures reflect estimated preliminary Q4 2015 volves per RO Projections Based on Green Street Advisors 32 2015 Moll Update doted November 11, 2015, except for which is based on RHO Projections. (7) RHO metrics colculated based on RHD Projection. FINANCIAL FFO Multiple 2014 4.5 4.9 10.1 4.5x 8.9x 6.8x 6.8x 17.4x 18.6x 20171 4.4. 4.8 7.2x 5.5x 6.0x 16.3x Consemus Green Street MW NAV 53% 72% 59% 87% Source: Public filings, SM Financial Foctet Wall Street Research, and Green Street Advisors. Note: Metrics other than FFO shown for informational purposes. (1) For market capitalization purposes, Jally diluted shoves include shares, units, options using treasury method and convertible securities. TEV defined as Market Volur + Debt+ Preferred Stock+ Minority Interest-Cash and Equivalents. (3) Proportionate shore of IV debe and debt related to subsequent events included as appropriate and available. 84% 67% 85% 86% 59% 49% 105% 102% 81% 78% 825 Sales Pr MRO $371 $361 $424 $371 $350 $350 $350 $350 OPERATING 20160 SSNOI Growth $620 2.3% 2.0% 2.3% 6.4% 6,4% 6.4% 2.0% 2017 SSNOI Growth 0.3% (1.2%) (0.0%) 0.3% 11.9% 11.9% 11.9% (0.2%) Green Street Advisors Estimate 4.3% 4.2%
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