Ocuphire Pharma Investor Day Presentation Deck
Efficacy Signal
Statistically significant percent of subjects on
Nyxol compared to placebo returning to baseline
(within 0.2 mm) photopic pupil diameter (PD) at
90 min demonstrated in 2 well-controlled, multi-
center clinical trials
Precedent set with RevEyes Approval
What's Important?
Nyxol has the Potential to be the only FDA-Approved Treatment Option to Reverse Dilation
Well-tolerated drop
No significant ocular or systemic AES or SAEs
Label Expansion
Opportunity to expand label with ongoing pediatric trial
in kids 3 years and up given safety shown in dental
reversal approval for phentolamine
Efficacy Signal
Compelling magnitude of response compared to
placebo with statistical significance
More rapid response with Nyxol vs. placebo
Works in all iris colors
Works across all commonly used mydriatic agents
No systemic side-effects such BP, HR, headache
Mild, transient hyperemia is acceptable and common
in Rx drops
Patient Experience
Patients desire more rapid return to normal activities
Patients actively asking for 'reversal' drops
Patients want a comfortable experience post-dilation
Patients more likely to maintain their annual exams if
option to reverse dilation is presented
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