Bird SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Bird SPAC Presentation Deck

Non-GAAP reconciliations (in millions) Gross Transaction Value Contra Revenue Platform Revenue Adjustment Revenue Product Sales Revenue Sharing Revenue Gross Profit Vehicle Depreciation Vehicle Count Adjustments Net Impact of Product Sales Division Ride Profit (before Vehicle Depreciation) % of Sharing Revenue Vehicle Depreciation Ride Profit (after Vehicle Depreciation) % of Sharing Revenue Net Income Net Interest (Income) / Expense Income Tax Depreciation & Amortization Vehicle Count Adjustments Stock Based Compensation Vehicle Tariff Reimbursements Adjusted EBITDA % of Revenue BIRD FY2018A $78.9 $(20.4) $0.0 $58.5 $0.0 $58.5 $(212.1) $112.5 $8.9 $0.0 $(90.7) (155%) $(112.5) $(203.3) (348%) $(367.4) $(1.6) $0.0 $113.4 $8.9 $53.0 $0.0 $(193.8) (331%) Q1 $15.4 $(1.6) $0.0 $13.8 $(0.6) $13.2 $(44.6) $24.3 $3.9 $1.4 $(15.0) (113%) $(24.3) $(39.3) (297%) $(89.5) $(0.5) $0.0 $24.8 $3.9 $2.2 $0.0 $(59.1) (428%) Q2 $45.5 $(3.1) $(0.4) $41.9 $(1.8) $40.2 $(42.7) $30.0 $14.8 $1.0 $3.1 8% $(30.0) $(27.0) (67%) $(96.4) $1.7 $0.0 $31.2 $14.8 $1.3 $0.0 $(47.4) (113%) FY2019A Q3 $64.1 $(3.3) $(0.5) $60.3 $(3.2) $57.1 $(15.7) $31.4 $(6.9) $2.1 $11.0 19% $(31.4) $(20.4) (36%) $(101.2) $2.1 $0.0 $33.2 $(6.9) $26.0 $0.0 $(46.8) (78%) Q4 $37.0 $(2.6) $0.1 $34.5 $(4.5) $30.0 $(32.7) $26.5 $(2.1) $5.8 $(2.5) (8%) $(26.5) $(29.0) (97%) $(100.3) $1.4 $0.2 $26.9 $(2.1) $1.1 $0.0 $(72.8) (211%) FY $162.0 $(10.7) $(0.8) $150.5 $(10.1) $140.4 $(135.7) $112.2 $9.8 $10.2 $(3.4) (2%) $(112.2) $(115.7) (82%) $(387.5) $4.7 $0.3 $116.1 $9.8 $30.6 $0.0 $(226.1) (150%) Note: Certain FY2019 amounts have been reclassed to conform with current period presentation. FQ2019 and FQ2020 figures are unaudited and unreviewed. Q1 $23.9 $(2.4) $(0.6) $20.9 $(4.8) $16.1 $(15.8) $7.2 $(2.4) $2.3 $(8.8) (54%) $(7.2) $(15.9) (99%) $(69.5) $1.8 $0.1 $10.6 $(2.4) $2.3 $(23.2) $(80.3) (384%) Q2 $13.0 $(0.7) $(2.2) $10.1 $(0.4) $9.6 $(6.4) $3.2 $(0.1) $4.7 $1.5 15% $(3.2) $(1.8) (18%) $(50.3) $1.7 $0.0 $5.7 $(0.1) $1.2 $(1.4) $(43.4) (430%) FY2020A Q3 $49.1 $(4.5) $(4.9) $39.7 $(6.1) $33.6 $0.6 $9.0 $4.4 $0.5 $14.6 44% $(9.0) $5.6 17% $(44.3) $1.5 $0.1 $11.1 $4.4 $1.2 $0.0 $(26.0) (65%) Q4 $29.5 $(3.3) $(2.3) $23.9 $(3.3) $20.6 $(2.0) $6.4 $3.6 $0.5 $8.6 42% $(6.4) $2.1 10% $(44.2) $1.6 $(0.1) $8.0 $3.6 $1.4 $(0.3) $(30.0) (126%) FY $115.5 $(10.9) $(10.0) $94.6 $(14.7) $79.9 $(23.5) $25.8 $5.6 $8.1 $15.9 20% $(25.8) $(9.9) (12%) $(208.2) $6.6 $0.1 $35.3 $5.6 $6.1 $(25.0) $(179.6) (190%) 47
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